Practical Guide To Build the Electronics Projects Book

 It’s our previlage to introduce this document with some practical examples to show exactly what electronics

projects are all about. The following figure depicts several electrical and electronic components that are

assembled in a way to obtain a desired output, and the components include resistors, capacitors, diodes,

LEDs and so on.

By observing all these

components in this project, one

will acknowledge that before

initiating to start, develop, and

build any electronic project, the

first and foremost thing is to

know about all these components

– their usage, the way in which

they are assembled and tested,

their soldering process, trouble

shooting methods, results cross

checking methods, and so on.

Furthermore, the way of implementing the project has to come across various levels of platforms like

simulation, bread board and printed circuit boards (PCBs). All these levels produce an efficient and reliable

end circuit – the one you will find in this document as well.

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